
The Tier-0 Co-Creation Network

73% of IT decision-makers see co-creation as critical for accelerating innovation, thanks to combined expertise and access to cutting-edge tech from suppliers.  (KPMG, 2022)

Co-creation can deliver solutions 50% faster than traditional methods, allowing you to capitalize on market opportunities quickly. (McKinsey & Company, 2023)

    Innovation advantage for seekers

    First-mover advantage for solvers

    If you want an agile organisation, you need a strategic procurement function.

    Procurement is often seen as the last resort solution to buying a product or service, not a participant in ‘build or buy’ decisions. Agile businesses procure more products and services, enabling adaptation to change with low frictional change costs.

    Moreover, smart suppliers want to work collaboratively with your business to develop ideas and invest in co-creation projects.  Co-ideation and co-creation projects offer a front-row seat to new innovations and projects.

    The challenge

    Businesses need to be more agile to adapt to market conditions, customer wants and to external threats without significant transitional costs. It means:

    Buy more than build

    Play to strengths

    Best supply chain wins

    The solution

    To build agile, organisations must have more strategic procurement

    Procurement engaged before the req is needed


    Pre-approved co-creation & ideation partners

    Ready to play contract framework

    What is a Tier-0 Sourcing Ecosystem?

    It’s a technology framework that forges an invisible interlayer between incumbent Vendor Management Systems (VMS) modules used to produce requisitions, and those used to process submissions.

    It means we can pre-flush inquiries through to suppliers signed up to deliver advantageous terms without requiring changes to systems, processes, methods and tools.

    The network

    A pre-vetted network of blue-chip suppliers that have committed to a co-creation Master Services Agreement (MSA) which means they are ready and willing to explore co-ideation and co-creation projects with your business.  To make the network function requires these building blocks

    The Keiretsu

    Pre-vetted companies with interlocking business relationships framed by a consistent MSA


    Contora Network

    A digital instant-on contracting framework that manages the end-to-end procurement and transactional lifecycle (blockchain/cloud)

    Tier-0 Ecosystem

    A digital ecosystem for providing seamless integration of candidate opportunities to fulfil external workforce needs to bring the right skills to bear on-demand

    The benefits


    Makes procurement a strategic function


    Innovation advantage and shared risk-reward


    Instant contractual framework that lowers costs


    Access top suppliers committed to co-creation/co-ideation


    Proactive law contracts built-in


    Makes procurement a strategic function


    Scalable framework (invite your Tier-1s!)


    Instant contractual framework that lowers costs


    Faster project results


    Greater agility

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    Pure business adrenaline

    Tomlin & Co.